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Help a FOCM Member Get Product Stocked at Walmart

I met Lisa Allred a couple of years ago. She created Tipsy Stixs, stainless steel cup and bowl holders for the beach, picnics and backyard parties. Tipsy Stixs are being considered by Walmart. Please show your support by voting for Tipsy Stixs at either of these sites:

Job Opportunity – Mebane, NC

submitted by Heather Wallace:

I have an attorney friend in Mebane, NC whose assistant just gave notice. Know of anyone with office experience or has had some legal or criminal classes? The first person she hired had solid office experience and stayed two years. The second person has criminal justice classes and apparently only planned to stay for the summer. I’m pretty sure the hours are flexible. Mostly mornings are preferred.

You can contact Heather through the Facebook posting or you can use the contact form on this site and I’ll put you in touch with Heather.

Motivation Quotes for Goal Setting

This is a great website for inspiring words about goal setting. One of the very pertinent ones for success in business is from Mary Kay Ash:

“There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened. We all have a choice. You can decide which type of person you want to be. I have always chosen to be in the first group.”

The Power of Networking…continued

Submitted by FOCM Member Diana Sifford

Here’s a good story on the “power” of our network. This guy called me out of the blue, said that a mutual friend recommended me. He was targeting a Marketing Director position at the company where I worked and had already talked to 5 people who worked there, but nobody could really help. I was kind of at a low point in my own career, so decided that I should meet with him (thinking that helping somebody else could only make me feel better). I met with him at Starbucks and thought he could do the job. So, I told him that he was in luck as my office was only 5 doors down from the hiring VP (who also happened to be a former colleague & friend). Since the company has 40,000 employees nationwide and 7 different divisions just in my location, you can imagine what a big deal it was for him to find somebody who could really help get him connected to the right people. Long story short, I forwarded his resume and he got an interview with the VP. Came down to the wire and unfortunately he didn’t get it. But he was in the Top 2 and without my introduction, he wouldn’t have even got an interview. On the flip side, I was in the final interview stage for a new position, and he sent me examples of 30/60/90 day plans to help, since I had been asked to prepare one in advance of the meeting. His examples were a great help, and even though I didn’t get the job I thought the plan presented well. Plus I’ve made a great network friend!

Summary of July 27-28 2013 FOCM Meeting

On July 27 and 28, a subsection of the North Carolina Southern Beach chapter of FOCM met.
In attendance with Deb, Mike, Gayle, Wendy, Alicia and Keith. We dined on cheeseburgers, chicken sausages, corn on the cob, avocado salad and fine wine. The topic of Anthony Weiner’s troubles popped up and soon we were in full-on creative mode coming up with bumper sticker slogans and news headlines we’d like to see.
The brainstorming continued after dinner at Whiskey Creek Bar and the next morning at Freeman Park in Carolina Beach. A fun time was had by all.
We didn’t solve any business issues or find anyone a job lead but we welcomed 2 new members: Wendy and Keith. Sometimes networking is an experience which will later yield a benefit.

Anthony Weiner Headlines – Parody

An informal and impromptu brainstorming meeting of the FOCM NC beach chapter this past weekend resulted in this list of potential news headlines or bumper stickers regarding Anthony Weiner and his campaign for NYC Mayor. Thanks to Alicia, Deb, Gayle, Keith, Mike and Wendy.
Just imagine what we could do if we put our attention to a business issue or problem.

Weiner beats all comers
Weiner beats them all
Weiner getting cocky
Weiner campaign sucks
Weiner campaign really blows
Weiner campaign explodes
Weiner coming in first
Weiner comes go grips with …
Weiner campaign has gripping announcement
Popularity of Weiner shrinking
Popularity of Weiner growing
Weiner has enormous following
Weiner penetrates electorate
Weiner thrusts forward with new strategy
Weiner prods for attention
Competition kneels before Weiner
Weiner takes a licking in the race
Weiner’s wife lends a helping hand
Weiner grinds it out
Weiner’s ahead in the race
Weiner leans left
Weiner holds head high
Competition has Weiner envy
Women want more Weiner
Weiner presents his package
Yes, Weiner is happy to see you
Weiner hangs out in local bar
Weiner denies use of performance enhanding drug
Lesbians against Weiner
Opponents say Weiner rubs them wrong
Weiner draws line in the sand
Weiner licked at the polls
You have been poked by A. Weiner
A. Weiner stands up for women
Stiffed by A. Weiner
Weiner withdraws
Weiner pulls out
Weiner withdraws prematurely
Weiner can’t keep it up
Weiner re-enters the race
Weiner comes from behind
Weiner pulls it out
Weiner comes first
Weiner slams his opponent
Weiner pops up
Weiner is starting to grow on the electorate
Weiner by a hair
Weiner hits slipperly slope
Weiner seen going in through the back door
Weiner is self-supporting
Weiner goes all in
Weiner points the way
Weiner stands at attention
Weiner salutes
Weiner is soft on crime
Weiner is on top of welfare
Women open up to Weiner
Weiner hits the spot
Weiner misfires
Weiner extends lead
Weiner grows his lead
Weiner shrivels
Hillary offers her support but Weiner’s lead shrinks
Weiner beaten handily
Weiner flogged by opponents

Sales/Business Developer Seeks Next Challenge

Chris Diehl


Greetings, Fellow FOCM members,
I am sorry that I could not join the group in Raleigh on July 22.
Yet, I wanted to connect with you for any suggestions/referrals for a
regional or national BD position in the pharma, CRO or pharma
vendor/service provider arenas. I would be happy to discuss my
background, and career goals at any time. Thank you for your
consideration, Everyone. Hope to see you soon!
Best regards,
Chris Diehl

July 22 Networking Event Recap

A contingent of North Carolina FOCM members gathered last night at Edwards Mill Bar and Grill in Raleigh.
Seven members fought the traffic and made it.
Attendees: Marysasser Holloway, Andy Holloway, Gayle Grandinetti (arrived first), Mark Mickunas, Mike Burrows, Vince Hoefling, Mike Markowitz

The very reason to network was displayed: Mark’s son, an NCSU college graduate in Computer Sciences is looking for work. It was discussed that perhaps a position in Clinical Data Management would be a good start. Marysasser gave Mark the contact info for a recruiter at Clinforce/DOCS who works in that area.

Other networking value was provided as myself and one other are in job searches and needed to discuss several job offers.