Another series of quotes noted and shared here that are shown completely out of context from the business meeting in which they were heard.
We’re kind of make-shifting
– Elizabeth Thiele
Puts stretch on the band.
– Elizabeth Thiele
If you don’t know it, it’s because you haven’t read it.
– Elizabeth Thiele
We don’t know what we don’t know.
– Elizabeth Thiele
I can be Sister Mary Anal.
– Elizabeth Thiele
In the US, we don’t care about obesity.
– John Schneider
I have to take a bucket with me everywhere I go.
– Mike Minor
My team prepares EACs, I don’t understand them, I just assume they know what they’re doing.
– John Schneider
It’s all about the party action.
– John Schneider
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Background: This all started at a US Sales meeting and in order to stay focused on what was being said, I started writing down the business cliches, like “let’s circle the wagons”, “let’s table that”, “always be closing” and then count how many times they were said. As I began paying attention, I would hear a phrase that was appropriate for the context in which it was said, but wow, it sure was amusing to see the phrase just sitting there by itself. That lead me to put them into a slide show show so the phrase was seen in its purest form along with the person who said it. As this practice became known, the slide set became the unofficial and humorous wrap-up presentation, kind of a summary of the things stated over the course of the meeting.