So I was recently telling Deb Jendrasek, treasured FOCM member about old jokes from when I was a kid. I asked if she remembered any of the book title/author jokes. She had never heard of them and so I wondered maybe others never have or maybe some of you have just forgotten them. Some might call them “corny”, but nevertheless I am going to share them. If anyone knows any others, please respond and add to the list or maybe you can come up with new ones. Let’s see what y’all can come up with.
Squeaky Door by Rusty Hinges
Open Kimono by Seymour Hare
Yellow River by I.P. Freeley
Spots on the Wall by Who Flung Dung.
I heard spot’s on the wall by who flung Pooh
What is life by Wei Tu Cerius
Under the bleachers by seymore butts
Under the Bleachers by Seymore Butts
10 kinds of people in the world… those who understand binary and those who don’t
… That still cracks me up!!!
I like that one, too.
I wanted to post a good chemistry joke, but all the good ones … argon!
bartender to the horse, “Why the long face?”
Muddy Waters by Who Flung Poo
Rustle in the Bushes by Izzy Onher
made me laugh out loud, never heard that one before
Jump off the cliff by Hugo first
Fall off the cliff by Eileen Dover
I love these kind of joke’s!
Run to the outhouse, by Will He Make It
Forgotten Sunscreen by Why You So Tan
Antlers in the tree top by Who Goosed the Moose!