I recall a much simpler time. I know this confession will highlight my years of experience (nicer way to say “old age”). In my working life time there was a 2 decade period where people could get in touch with you 1 of 3 ways: call you at your home phone number, contact you via a pager to call them or an answering service or mail you a letter/memo through internal company mail or US Postal service if you were remote.
So this realization hit me when I was going back through text messages to find pictures from past FOCM networking events for posting here. These are from 2017 at the Society for Clinical Data Management conference in Orlando. Nowadays (you don’t hear this word often enough – add another digression, as my friend Kevin Boos says, another phrase that we don’t use much any more is: “all the live long day”), you can be reached or reached out to via:
- email (and you probably have more than 1 email address – I have 5)
- Instagram message
- Facebook messenger
- Cellphone call
- Text to cellphone
- LinkedIn Message
- GoogleChat
- Venmo
- Paypal
- and the above are just the ones I know of – which means you can also be reached out/called out on MeWe, Telegram, Rumble, NextDoor and many others I am sure. Oh how could I forget the one I have to tend to the most: my OnlyFans account!! So many requests for pictures of my feet – barefoot, in sandals, huaraches, etc. But with each follower paying the monthly subscription fee, I’m netting around $10/month. I don’t have to tell you that over twelve months that’s around $120 straight to the bottom line.
Okay, back to the topic at hand, no more chasing shiny objects;
SCDM 2017 was held in Orlando. FOCM card carrying member Brian Langin with card # 00000001 encourages me to have a FOCM Networking event at Bob Marley – A tribute to Freedom in Universal CityWalk Orlando. And therefore, I do.
Entering into evidence the following two pictures:
Vicky Martin, Jennifer Price, Hugh Levaux, Karen McPoyle, Joby John, Tina Pietropaolo, Susan Howard and Karen Hicks.

Apologies for the darkness of the picture of Brian – at the time he was keeping a low profile due to some criminal or civil investigation of one type or another.